Saturday, June 2, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman...


Wazzaaa guys!!! So, yesterday my family and I went to watch Snow White & The Huntsman. (This the 3rd time I watch a movie in less than a week, exclude the one on TV and my computer) Back to the movie... The movie was sick!!! Legit awesome!!!

When I first saw the trailer, I immediately fell in love with the movie. But since Kristen Stewart is in it, I thought it might be some kind of Twilight-ish thingy and obviously my dad will not watch it. Well, my guess was way off. My dad really looked forward for this movie. He said it's kinda interesting and the synopsis was amazing.

We watched it after my brother's Karate lesson, so it was quite late. Didn't watch it in 3D though. Because they're showing Men In Black 3 in 3D which is another great movie. Some Rusher and TW Fanmily moments in the movie. Back to Snow White... Yeah, I wouldn't mind watching it again if they're releasing a 3D version. I mean I watched MIB 3 twice. 3D and non-3D.

The actors were really good! Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth were a brilliant combination. And yes, Chris Hemsworth was really hot! Although he had to lose some weight because his character can't have an extremely tough body... =P

Kristen Stewart really stood out in the movie. Her features are the accurate description of Snow White. Skin as white as snow. Lips as red as blood. Hair as black as a raven. She was a complete opposite of Bella. Charlize was really good at playing with emotions. Really affect the audiences.

Anyways... I would rate the movie 4.5 out of 5 stars.... Go watch it... No, I mean it! Go!!! =D
Okay, I'm leaving you guys with the trailers... Enjoy! 

Wassalam... =)