Saturday, July 21, 2012

To My Dearest Sister...


"I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be..."
 Moments - One Direction

This is gonna be a special post. It's for a special someone who I've been missing dearly. It's her 15th birthday. I've been working on this for about a month. Yes, a month because of my homework and exam. Spoiler alert: This is like the worst poem you'll ever read. I haven't wrote a poem for quite some time... So yeah... Bear with me. 

You're pretty,
As pretty as a blooming rose,
You're smart, 
As smart as Einstein,
You're strong, 
As strong as steel,
You're joyful,
As joyful as a kid,
You're outstanding, 
As outstanding as fireworks,
You're bizarre, 
As bizarre as Niall Horan,
You're sweet, 
As sweet as sugar,
You're hot,
As hot as fire,
You're carefree, 
As carefree as a bird,
But on top of all, 
You're my Aisha...

One year has passed, 
Memories are still fresh,
Weird? I know,
Because I never let it go.

It was after homeroom when we met,
Heading to our classes making eye contact,
Smiles, smiles, we exchanged smiles,
Oh, how I miss your pretty smile.

Winter ends, early spring,
Umrah trip bonded us quick, 
Dani, Danial were our gang, 
Wait, remember that 'friendly' chick?

Breaks, breaks, were our time, 
Hall, hall was our place, 
Bassel, Bassel, was our jokes,
Man, I miss our days.

Big Time Rush, One Direction,
Two different world but we stay strong, 
'Ashraf', 'Hady', 'Cheese',
Those were our good times.

I miss your little notes, 
Message in my art book became my bedtime story,
Why, they ask, 
Because I failed to find someone like you.

Last day of school made a scar in my heart, 
Everything was good till the second break,
We may uttered goodbye,
But to me it was not and will never be a goodbye.

I wish you happiness, I wish you luck,
You shall forever be my kakak,
Have a blast on your birthday, 
1D WILL meet you someday.

To Sharmine Shaqirin, I do have another best friend named Sharmine in my new school but I want you to know, you're one of a kind. I can never replace you. I hope to see you soon. May Allah bless you. Even though it is the first day of Ramadhan, something tells me that you'll have a brilliam birthday. Salam Ramadhan Mubarak and Happy Birthday kakak... 
P/S: Believe me, it's too bad that Harry hasn't met you yet. He's missing a heck lot of fun. Love ya... ;)

The Amazing Sharmine Shaqirin aka My Aisha


 Moments (love this song so much)

Cover Girl

Sorry if it's a bit too long. Follow Sharmine, the amazayn Directioner on twitter ----> @AishaMushroom 

That's it for now...
