Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012: One Of My Favorite Year


Hello everyone! 

"We Rise Like A Phoenix From The Flame"
                                            -The Wanted-

  I know... I know.... It has been months since I last posted anything on my blog. I'm really sorry for that. It's always because of lack of time or laziness. Haha.. 
  So, since it's already new year, I think it would be appropriate to write about my 2012. To be honest, 2012 is by far my most favorite year. I feel like so many good things happened and the bad are quite equivalent to the sweet memories. 

  My life is amazing in 2012. I learnt a lot of new things. From books and also experience. I established my school cred too. Which is good in my own opinion. I definitely made a lot of new friends. I found new amazing friends on twitter and I met some of them this year!

Big Time Movie screening @ KLCC

  Without these people, my 2012 would be so dull. So, thank you Jai, Yasmin, Syasya, Farah, Myra, Fatimah, Bat, Lyna, Zahidah, Aina, Wani, Nadia, Shervin, Anisha and everyone on twitter who has made my year. I love you guys!

  I read a lot of books. And bought 'a few' (13 books) more from Big Bad Wolf... BBW was so mean to me... Hehe.. Also, I finally know who my favorite author is. The lucky author is.... Mitch Albom! Go check his books out! They're very interesting and inspiring.

 Oh yeah! Earlier this November, which was also the start of my school holiday, I went to the World Robot Olympiad at Sunway Pyramid on the 10th. I met Deirdra and Khairul which was awesome! Aiman decided to come on the next day. So, Deirdra and I didn't get to meet him. *sad* 

Khairul, Deirdra and I

  Also, I got to meet Uncle John again. He's my dad's awesome and hilarious friend that we met in Qatar. He came to Malaysia for a conference in KL and Sarawak with my dad. Then, he decided to visit my family and I in Melaka. 

Uncle John and my brother

  Somewhere at the end of September, I went to SMK IJC in Johor and Nanyang Girls School in Singapore with my school under the debate team. Hopefully I can get into the debate team this year. The trip down south was great tho! 

The teacher and the students from SMKIJC Melaka

  I also was one of the salesgirls at my school co-op in 2012. It felt like old times because I had always been in the school co-op since I was in primary school. But this time it was only for 6 months. This year, I got offered to be a prefect and I took it. (Technically, I had to). But it was a great experience. My dad even said he can see that I'm more into entrepreneurship. I don't know. I just love dealing with business. Hmmm... 

  On twitter this year, I got noticed by both of my favorite bands, Big Time Rush and The Wanted. Tom from TW followed me recently and gave me a sudden heart attack. Haha... Love ya, Thomas! ;)  

When @bigtimerush retweeted me

Thanks Thomas! :)

  Just this year, I found 3 amazing artiste that made me go crazy all over them.. They are keepers. :) 

Big Time Rush

Lee Seung Gi 

The Wanted

  So, school holidays... What did I do? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Lots of things! Allow me to give you a quick run down. 

What I basically did during the holidays: Travel to KL, watch Big Time Rush, sleep, read books, travel to JB, watch more Big Time Rush, sleep, travel to KL, watch Running Man, read more books, sleep, watch more Running Man, travel to KL again, watch Big Time Rush, sleep more, go to school for duty, watch more Big Time Rush, sleep again, watch more and more Running Man, go to school for duty again and sleep, sleep and sleep....  

  But I did went to Legoland and KidZania... That was awesome! 

At KidZania

Told ya I kept myself busy... Haha... For any of you who doesn't know what Running Man is, it's a popular game show from Korea that is super hilarious! Check it out! Running Man is actually where I found my Lee Seung Gi. Since then, I got totally obsessed with him. I just can't help it! He's cute, natural, smart and has a legit good voice! ;)

Here are some of my favorite Lee Seung Gi songs: 

Will You Marry Me?


Love Time

Invitation To Me


  So, that was basically some of the highlights of my year. My 2012 was amazing! I hope yours was great too. Anyways, have a good year and always remember to live life to the fullest! Let's make 2013 an amazing year too! Well, wish me luck for my PMR and Happy new year, guys! :) 

That's all for this post, 
