Friday, August 3, 2012

Belated Birthday Story


"Music is better and lights are brighter when you were near"
Wish U Were Here - Cody Simpson

So, as you might know, I was born on July 27th, which is exactly a week ago. Yeah, I'm finally 14, bebeh... Ok... Probably, growing up is not that exciting. No, it's never exciting. I know this might be overdue. I tried to post this thing earlier but failed. As busy as a bee, they say. Especially since it's Ramadhan. Whatever it is, I'm still gonna tell you about my day anyway. And so it begun. 

So, my birthday fell on a Friday in the month of Ramadhan. Because of that, I felt so anticipated for this day. Not because of the presents, wishes and such, but because I felt so blessed to celebrate it on that very day. 

Speaking of wishes, I got my first wish from my best bud, Sharmine Amyrra. Got a text from her at 10 o'clock on my birthday eve. Yeah, sorta like DD's midnight birthday call... Totally a good start for my birthday.
*please ignore Bangi*
Then, my mum during sahur. Dad gave me a card and a Parker pen. Also, my mum literally bought me BTR. Well, she gave me the money when I said I wanted to go to Speedy. *I didn't even say I wanted to buy anything* So yeah, a card, a pen and an album... 

It's the UK deluxe edition. 6 bonus track and a poster. Yeah!

Then, Sharmine Shaqirin (My Aisha) sent me a bbm chat and tweet. I swear I cried like a baby when I read it. It's like a wish from a sister to a sister. A long-distance sister. 

School was a blast that day. Foong greeted me with a happy birthday as soon as I step into the class. Before Malay class started, everyone sang Happy Birthday for me. Then, when Puan Noraini came, they sang it again. Yeah. Two birthday songs. Sharmine and Foong wished me like 10 times that day. Shaza was really excited when she came back from her morning duty. 'Happy Birthday Aina!' she said. 

After school, my mum and I when to Mahkota Parade to do some clothes shopping for eid. So, when I was there, my twitter mention was stuffed with wishes. Nearly cried in the middle of Parkson because of their sweet wishes. Well, what makes it even sweeter is that I've never met them. These are the people who I knew through twitter. This show that they acknowledged me. These are true birthday wishes. Frankly, I was actually wondering, who would wish me a happy birthday, considering I deleted my facebook. Yes, I did not get as many wish as I did when I had facebook. But I feel like this year's wishes are much real than any other year. They came from friends who I talk to almost everyday but we've actually never even met. It might sounds cliche but this is the gift that I was hoping for this year. A memory that I will not forget. 

Also, Yasmin tweeted me a birthday song by The Click Five. It was so sweet. Lurf my Yasmoon so much... 

So, I got a bit bored and asked Jojo Wright for a birthday wish. I wasn't really expecting this but these people actually spammed Jojo to wish me a happy birthday. Again, I tried to hold back my tears. It was really really sweet of them to do that for me. 

And guess what?

Yes... The amazing Jojo tweeted me. So, that was basically what happened on my birthday. One of the best birthday in my life. Yeah, I didn't get any reply from the boys (BTR) but I'm still grateful for what I got. Alhamdullilah... 

As always... Goodies... :) 

Wish U Were Here - Cody Simpson

Go For Gold - Kyle Patrick
Till then...


Saturday, July 21, 2012

To My Dearest Sister...


"I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be..."
 Moments - One Direction

This is gonna be a special post. It's for a special someone who I've been missing dearly. It's her 15th birthday. I've been working on this for about a month. Yes, a month because of my homework and exam. Spoiler alert: This is like the worst poem you'll ever read. I haven't wrote a poem for quite some time... So yeah... Bear with me. 

You're pretty,
As pretty as a blooming rose,
You're smart, 
As smart as Einstein,
You're strong, 
As strong as steel,
You're joyful,
As joyful as a kid,
You're outstanding, 
As outstanding as fireworks,
You're bizarre, 
As bizarre as Niall Horan,
You're sweet, 
As sweet as sugar,
You're hot,
As hot as fire,
You're carefree, 
As carefree as a bird,
But on top of all, 
You're my Aisha...

One year has passed, 
Memories are still fresh,
Weird? I know,
Because I never let it go.

It was after homeroom when we met,
Heading to our classes making eye contact,
Smiles, smiles, we exchanged smiles,
Oh, how I miss your pretty smile.

Winter ends, early spring,
Umrah trip bonded us quick, 
Dani, Danial were our gang, 
Wait, remember that 'friendly' chick?

Breaks, breaks, were our time, 
Hall, hall was our place, 
Bassel, Bassel, was our jokes,
Man, I miss our days.

Big Time Rush, One Direction,
Two different world but we stay strong, 
'Ashraf', 'Hady', 'Cheese',
Those were our good times.

I miss your little notes, 
Message in my art book became my bedtime story,
Why, they ask, 
Because I failed to find someone like you.

Last day of school made a scar in my heart, 
Everything was good till the second break,
We may uttered goodbye,
But to me it was not and will never be a goodbye.

I wish you happiness, I wish you luck,
You shall forever be my kakak,
Have a blast on your birthday, 
1D WILL meet you someday.

To Sharmine Shaqirin, I do have another best friend named Sharmine in my new school but I want you to know, you're one of a kind. I can never replace you. I hope to see you soon. May Allah bless you. Even though it is the first day of Ramadhan, something tells me that you'll have a brilliam birthday. Salam Ramadhan Mubarak and Happy Birthday kakak... 
P/S: Believe me, it's too bad that Harry hasn't met you yet. He's missing a heck lot of fun. Love ya... ;)

The Amazing Sharmine Shaqirin aka My Aisha


 Moments (love this song so much)

Cover Girl

Sorry if it's a bit too long. Follow Sharmine, the amazayn Directioner on twitter ----> @AishaMushroom 

That's it for now...


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman...


Wazzaaa guys!!! So, yesterday my family and I went to watch Snow White & The Huntsman. (This the 3rd time I watch a movie in less than a week, exclude the one on TV and my computer) Back to the movie... The movie was sick!!! Legit awesome!!!

When I first saw the trailer, I immediately fell in love with the movie. But since Kristen Stewart is in it, I thought it might be some kind of Twilight-ish thingy and obviously my dad will not watch it. Well, my guess was way off. My dad really looked forward for this movie. He said it's kinda interesting and the synopsis was amazing.

We watched it after my brother's Karate lesson, so it was quite late. Didn't watch it in 3D though. Because they're showing Men In Black 3 in 3D which is another great movie. Some Rusher and TW Fanmily moments in the movie. Back to Snow White... Yeah, I wouldn't mind watching it again if they're releasing a 3D version. I mean I watched MIB 3 twice. 3D and non-3D.

The actors were really good! Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth were a brilliant combination. And yes, Chris Hemsworth was really hot! Although he had to lose some weight because his character can't have an extremely tough body... =P

Kristen Stewart really stood out in the movie. Her features are the accurate description of Snow White. Skin as white as snow. Lips as red as blood. Hair as black as a raven. She was a complete opposite of Bella. Charlize was really good at playing with emotions. Really affect the audiences.

Anyways... I would rate the movie 4.5 out of 5 stars.... Go watch it... No, I mean it! Go!!! =D
Okay, I'm leaving you guys with the trailers... Enjoy! 

Wassalam... =)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Villaggio's Blaze...

Hey, How's everybody doing? Sorry, I haven't been updating that much. Busy month.

So, yesterday, around 11pm, Malaysia's time, I received quite a few broadcasts on bbm about this Villaggio Fire from my friends in Qatar. I thought it was some kind of scam or something.

*Villaggio is one of the biggest mall in Qatar. I'd say, mostly everyone loves it. Well, I did. The interior is superb and there's also variety of shops and entertainment. It's absolutely tons of fun.*

Then, this morning, I went on twitter to search about this Villaggio Fire and it turns out that it was as real as it could be. I was very shocked when I read the report. It's said that the fire started at the Nike and Go Sport shop and also the children nursery, Gympanzee...

19 deaths... And the most heartbreaking part, it's reported that 13 of the victims were innocent children. It was definitely a very sad news. My condolences to the victims's families...

Read the full report here, Villaggio Fire

Ok... Till then,


Friday, April 6, 2012

Beyond The Expectation...


"Believe In The Unexpected...And You'll Achieve More"

So, last week my week went real fine just a bit exhausting from gymnastrada practices. Until 29th of March.. Well, let's go a day back from that very date. It's the night of 28th March. Carlos tweeted about his wish of meeting Carly Rae Jepsen..

So, few hours after that I randomly tweeted this... Wasn't expecting anything to happen but adding the chance of Carlos meeting Carly...

I wasn't even sure if I used the right username for her twitter... Frankly, I didn't even followed her.. *I thought I did* So, I went to bed that night and woke up at 4.30am as usual... Then I saw a notification from echofon saying "@carlyraejepsen followed you" I wasn't really convinced with that because her username is quite long and I thought it might be some belieber with similar username as hers followed me... So, I went on my twitter to check it... *Still in my bed* And I found this....... 

I almost fell from my bed... Luckily I didn't screamed in the middle of dawn. It was so overwhelming... Very very very surreal... I mean... She followed me when I'm not even following her... *Followed her now.. No worries* I love her song 'Call Me Maybe' and of course the video that Carlos made using her song... 

I don't know about this but it seems like I'm always lucky on twitter when I didn't expect that thing to happen.. I mean getting a retweet by Big Time Rush and a follow from Carly Rae Jepsen? I never thought it would happen when I tweeted those tweets... So, guys... Never stop believing in the unexpected... Miracles might happen... :) 

Goodies time... 

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen

Lose My Mind - The Wanted

Okay Guys.. Have a great weekend... 


Monday, April 2, 2012

We Did It!! We Did It!!


   I'm Only Here Cause You Stole My Heart...
                                     Stand Up - One Direction 

Hey, everyone.. This is just a quick post about the 2012 Kids Choice Award.. I'll update the full one later..
Well... Rushers... We did it!! We did it!! Big Time Rush won the blimp... 

We won the blimp!! The blimp is ours!! 

Josh Hutcherson and Nicki Minaj presented the award to them and the way they announced it was awesome.. Four fans or nick staffs held up four giant head cardboard cut out of them.. James fell while going on the stage... A fan pulled his leg.. Poor boy... 

Oh yeah... They shot Time Of Our Life music video at the event and it was awesome!!! 

KCA 2012: Big Time Rush: "Time of Our Life"Get More: Kids' Choice Awards Episodes,Kids' 
Choice Awards,Kids' Choice Awards Games

Awesome right!! They finally got slimed!!! Haha.. Definitely the best weekend ever... One Direction performed... And it was really amazing!!!

Go and watch 1D's performance at the KCAs here.. ----> One Direction Performance
Watch BTR's acceptance speech here... ------> Big Time Rush's Speech

Have fun... I'll update more about the KCAs later.. :)


Monday, March 12, 2012

Life Is Good...


How y'all doin??? I know, I know.. I haven't post anything for ages.. Sorry.. Been a bit busy with life. I had exam last 2 weeks and it was..quite good. Last week, Sekolahku Hebat's crew from Astro Ceria came to my school and everyone had a blast.. :)

Now, where do I start? Ok, my second trip to Universal Studios Singapore was Ok for me.. Not feeling the adrenaline mood. I just chill and watch Big Time Rush's episodes. *That's how I roll.. :P* I went for Shrek 4D and Madagascar ride only. But Christopher had a good time tho..

Then, on 17th of February, Big Time Rush kicked off their Better With U Tour. The tour was amazing!! One Direction joined them about 2 weeks later.. Well, they had some problems for the first few concerts.. I mean not the boys but their fans. A few Directioners (I said a few) were being rude to Big Time Rush and they did some things. *Not gonna talk about it* But at the end things work out pretty well.. They wrapped up the tour on 9th March. They also announced their Big Time Summer Tour. It's gonna be sick!! ^_^

What else... Oh yeah! Have you guys heard about Call Me Maybe video? I'm pretty sure most of you guys did. Who made that video??? CARLOS! ^_^  That video got 1 MILLION views in 15 hours!! Now, after 3 weeks, that video is currently on 21 MILLIONS views!! How awesome is that?? I'm so proud of my Carlos... The video is just plain awesome!! 

James and Kendall changed their twitcon.. Yes, it is very hot.. *Aina Dead* haha.. James made a youtube account btw.. Go and subscribe him.. Here's one of his video.. It's jamazing!! :)

Last week, I represented my school for a short story competition. A state level competition. Puan Noraini first said that I'm gonna represent the class but actually I'm representing the school for Malay lower form short stories.. Yeah... It was indeed very..very confusing.. I had a day... Yup, A day to write a 500 words long short story. And all I wanna say is... 500 words is not enough for me.. I need more.. Well, wish me luck.. :)

On 25th of February, Estranged (A Malaysian Band) retweeted my tweet.. It was a random tweet actually. But it was exciting.. ^_^ 

Speaking about retweets.. 9th March is like the best day of my life. I went window shopping for gimnastrada shirt with Foong, Shawn, Naziela and Aisyah.. It was a blast! Then, I had a catch-up conversation with my Kakak, Sharmine... We talked about a lot of things. One Direction, The Wanted and Cheese.. I love it!! Later that night... Things get intense.. @bigtimetour post a tweet saying if we tweet #BigTimeParty we have a chance to win an autographed picture of the boys.. 

Guess what? I didn't win the autographed photo.. But I did get something tho.. 

Yup, I got a retweet from @bigtimerush... It is overwhelming!! I facepalmed myself like real hard... I went to check Big Time Rush's profile like randomly and the first thing I saw was my tweet is on their profile.. Yes!! For the first time, I got a retweet from them.. I didn't expect to get it.. That's one of my 2012 highlights... :)

Big Time Movie premiered on Nickelodeon 2 days ago. Yeah, I watched it.. Live from the US.. I gotta say, the movie is Amazing!! Starstruck and Big Time Movie are the best movie ever! The movie officially premiered on 8th February.. One Direction and Demi Lovato were there... Awesome right... :) 

The soundtrack, Big Time Movie Soundtrack, was released on 6th of March.. It's just plain awesome. The soundtrack landed itself at #2 on iTunes Pop Album Chart and currently at #9 on iTunes Album Chart.. They covered 6 The Beatles songs which are A Hard Day's Night, Revolution, Help, Can't Buy Me Love, We Can Work It Out and I Wanna Hold Your Hand.. My favourite is Revolution because Kendall really showed his Rock n Roll voice.. *Aina Dead Again* 

Revolution - Big Time Rush (cover The Beatles)

Well, that's pretty much the highlights for the past 2 months... So, as usual.. Goodies...

Up All Night - One Direction

Heart Vacancy - The Wanted

So, Have a good week...
Wassalam.. :)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stop The Hate And Start The Love...


You can tell what shirt not to wear but no one, nobody can tell me who to date... -Chad (SWAC)-

So, if you're a rusher and you have a twitter, you'd probably know what happened on 21-22 January. Big Time Rush performed at Selena Gomez's UNICEF concert and James brought his cute puppy, Fox on stage. Right after that, everyone just start talking about Fox (James' dog),

Sydney (Carlos' dog)

and Sissy (Kendall's dog)

They even became the Worldwide Trending Topics. Here's a proof.

Then, people start talking about Kendall's hair. They think he cut and dyed his hair. People started unfollowing him on twitter. *Poor Kendall* :(

Well, I don't really think he changed his hairstyle.

This group of rushers (who shouldn't be called a rusher) really don't care about Kendall's feeling. Justin Bieber and Greyson Chance changed their hairstyle and yet people still love them. Everyone cut their hair, is it a crime to change your hairstyle? I don't think so. I don't really see any relevant reason to hate him. He knew about it, ok. I bet he must be a bit sad when his fans are hating him..

See... He said it.

Later on that day, Carlos uploaded his usual Friday video, Fan Email, well it was a bit late because of the concert with Selena (I waited all day long for him to upload the video). In that video, Samantha Droke and her best friend were there with him. Earlier on that day, I saw quite a few people tweeting to Carlos asking if his dating Samantha Droke. So, just for the curiosity, I googled about that and found some picture of them. I said to myself 'Ok, if he is dating her for real, I would be so happy cuz she suits him. They're cute together.' I went to a wedding in KL when he uploaded the video and I can't watch youtube videos on my blackberry. When we were on the way back, I watched it on my brothers's iPad (I forgot that he brought his iPad all along -.-) and he was being a real gentlemen for giving his fans a big surprise.

Towards the end of the video he said he got this question a lot lately, and the question is 'Am I dating this girl *point to Samantha* right here, Samantha Droke.' Then he said, I think it's the time to tell the truth, and the answer is Yes! I am dating Samantha Droke. I almost fainted when he said that. Not because I hate it but because I love it. He took the risk of losing fans and getting hate just to tell the world, who's the lucky girl that owns his heart. How sweet is that? This video have almost 1900 comments within a few days. People just keep on saying he shouldn't date Samantha, people start hating and unfollowing him, and some stupid rushers just start dissing on Samantha. But you know what? Here's my thought about this. Samantha is so lucky to get my Carlitos and they look good together. They make a cute couple. People should stop hating both of them. You're not gonna get him, as in like he's just gonna walk into your room and ask you out. No. He don't even know you're real name. He just know you ask a rusher. He's a normal human being. He need a love life too. Plus, it's his life not yours. He's not our puppet, he's our idol. So stop. It's fine if you hate her but don't hate Carlos because of her and don't bash her. He lost 3000 followers just because of this lousy thing. He must be really sad when you guys are hating his girlfriend. You people are just ridiculous.

We love Carlos' sweet smile. We want that smile on his face all the time. So stop pressuring him with things like this. He have a tour coming up and they gonna start shooting Big Time Rush season 3 soon. So just deal with the fact that he's dating Sammy, Ok.. 

He's definitely the sweetest guy in the world. Love ya, Carlos.♡ 

Aren't they cute together? 

I'm sure we don't want Sad Kendall and Sad Carlos...

We want Happy Kendall and Happy Carlos. Don't pressure them, k... ;)

As usual, goodies...
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

Big Time Movie Promo

Have A Good Week, 


p/s: sorry for the long and a bit emotional post..