Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stop The Hate And Start The Love...


You can tell what shirt not to wear but no one, nobody can tell me who to date... -Chad (SWAC)-

So, if you're a rusher and you have a twitter, you'd probably know what happened on 21-22 January. Big Time Rush performed at Selena Gomez's UNICEF concert and James brought his cute puppy, Fox on stage. Right after that, everyone just start talking about Fox (James' dog),

Sydney (Carlos' dog)

and Sissy (Kendall's dog)

They even became the Worldwide Trending Topics. Here's a proof.

Then, people start talking about Kendall's hair. They think he cut and dyed his hair. People started unfollowing him on twitter. *Poor Kendall* :(

Well, I don't really think he changed his hairstyle.

This group of rushers (who shouldn't be called a rusher) really don't care about Kendall's feeling. Justin Bieber and Greyson Chance changed their hairstyle and yet people still love them. Everyone cut their hair, is it a crime to change your hairstyle? I don't think so. I don't really see any relevant reason to hate him. He knew about it, ok. I bet he must be a bit sad when his fans are hating him..

See... He said it.

Later on that day, Carlos uploaded his usual Friday video, Fan Email, well it was a bit late because of the concert with Selena (I waited all day long for him to upload the video). In that video, Samantha Droke and her best friend were there with him. Earlier on that day, I saw quite a few people tweeting to Carlos asking if his dating Samantha Droke. So, just for the curiosity, I googled about that and found some picture of them. I said to myself 'Ok, if he is dating her for real, I would be so happy cuz she suits him. They're cute together.' I went to a wedding in KL when he uploaded the video and I can't watch youtube videos on my blackberry. When we were on the way back, I watched it on my brothers's iPad (I forgot that he brought his iPad all along -.-) and he was being a real gentlemen for giving his fans a big surprise.

Towards the end of the video he said he got this question a lot lately, and the question is 'Am I dating this girl *point to Samantha* right here, Samantha Droke.' Then he said, I think it's the time to tell the truth, and the answer is Yes! I am dating Samantha Droke. I almost fainted when he said that. Not because I hate it but because I love it. He took the risk of losing fans and getting hate just to tell the world, who's the lucky girl that owns his heart. How sweet is that? This video have almost 1900 comments within a few days. People just keep on saying he shouldn't date Samantha, people start hating and unfollowing him, and some stupid rushers just start dissing on Samantha. But you know what? Here's my thought about this. Samantha is so lucky to get my Carlitos and they look good together. They make a cute couple. People should stop hating both of them. You're not gonna get him, as in like he's just gonna walk into your room and ask you out. No. He don't even know you're real name. He just know you ask a rusher. He's a normal human being. He need a love life too. Plus, it's his life not yours. He's not our puppet, he's our idol. So stop. It's fine if you hate her but don't hate Carlos because of her and don't bash her. He lost 3000 followers just because of this lousy thing. He must be really sad when you guys are hating his girlfriend. You people are just ridiculous.

We love Carlos' sweet smile. We want that smile on his face all the time. So stop pressuring him with things like this. He have a tour coming up and they gonna start shooting Big Time Rush season 3 soon. So just deal with the fact that he's dating Sammy, Ok.. 

He's definitely the sweetest guy in the world. Love ya, Carlos.♡ 

Aren't they cute together? 

I'm sure we don't want Sad Kendall and Sad Carlos...

We want Happy Kendall and Happy Carlos. Don't pressure them, k... ;)

As usual, goodies...
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

Big Time Movie Promo

Have A Good Week, 


p/s: sorry for the long and a bit emotional post.. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

So Far, So Great...


I Go Back In Time And Change It But I Can't
                                          Back To December - Taylor Swift

How's life? Mine? Nyehh.. Ok.. Normal... Just friendship with my other classmates are getting better.. Extra curriculum are killing me... I have to stay in school till 5 o'clock, a lot of work and I woke up at 5 a.m or 4.30 a.m (sometimes) cuz I'm a cool kid , so you know, after a whole day of school, I'll be freaking tired..

Luckily now we're having a week off because of Chinese New Year.. Woohoo... Just hanging around, going crazy in my room while listening to Big Time Rush's songs and might be going to Universal Studios Singapore again.. So yeah, pretty much what I'm gonna do..

His Smile, His Hoodie, His Cuteness, It just can't get any better....

Heck Yes!!! *Happy Dance*

Speaking about Big Time Rush, they just had their first appearance on Ellen last week!!! Oh Yeah!! They performed Music Sounds Better With You + a quick chat with Ellen.. It was AWESOME!!! Here's vids from their appearance.. ^_^

How cool is that? Haha ok, have fun.. Here's two more goodies... :)

Katelyn Tarver - It's Good
Calling All The Monsters - China Anne McClain

Ok, Good day.. :)


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Big Time Rush!


Today, we're gonna talk about Big Time Rush!!! Yes! They're awesome boy band. Their songs are really good. Well, what can you say, their show on nickelodeon is just freaking funny. They're also good looking too.

Big Time Rush

There are 4 members in the group. Kendall, James, Logan and Carlos. Big Time Rush is a tv show on nickelodeon. A musical show. The show is about their daily life. Of course, it isn't their real daily life. Until 28 of November,2011, it's officially 2 years since the show started which means 2 years since they came out. 
Let's go to members' profiles.


Kendall Francis Schmidt. Born in Wichita, Kansas on November 2nd, 1990. He's a singer, actor, songwriter and guitarist. My background song, Cover Girl was written by him. It's a really sweet song especially to girls. 


James David Maslow. Born on July 16th, 1990 in New York. In the show, his character is really full of himself and everything is about him. He wrote a song named Elevate and the song is on their second album. He guest starred on iCarly for an episode on 2008.


Logan Philip Henderson. Born on September 14th, 1989 in North Richland Hills, Texas. He's a singer, pianist, guitarist, songwriter and actor. James and Logan have a "gymnastic" body. He wrote Oh Yeah, Time Of Our Life, Music Sounds Better With You, Love Me Love Me and Superstar. As in for his voice, he have very unique one. He's Demi Lovato's best friend. He was in the same acting class with her. Insyirah thinks he's the handsomest of all...


Carlos Roberto Pena Jr. Born in Columbia, Missouri on August 15th, 1989. I think he's the cutest member in the group. Haha. In the show, his character will always have a helmet on his head and he said an extra protection on his head can save him from a lot of danger. He have a really nice voice. He wrote a song for the  album, Invisible, and the song is just so flawless. He also have a youtube account, go check it out, CarlosPenaTv and a gmail account which you can send a fan email to him, carlospenatv@gmail.com 

They just released their second album, Elevate, on 21st of November, 2011. Well, I still can't find that album in Malaysia. So, I downloaded it. Yeah it took almost a day but the songs in it are worth waiting. Hands off.. It's superb!!

The first album is called BTR. The genres in the second album is a bit different than the first one. Elevate is more to techno while the first one is more to pop.

Well, members' profiles, done. Album, done. Now, it's time to listen to their songs.. Yay!! 

Til I Forget About You


Any Kind Of Guy


Time Of Our Life


Cover Girl (My background song)



Music Sounds Better With You
So,these are some of my favorites... I hope malaysian radio would play Big Time Rush's song cuz they're amazing.
Anyway... Go Big Time Rush. Go Rushers..

Have A Good Day... :)


Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's A Chapter In Life...


              It's The Only Life You Got, 
                     So You Gotta Live It Big Time
                                                                 -Big Time Rush-

  So, school just started last week and it was exhausting and lonely. My best friends are in the other class, it's just not the same without them. It's also freaking hot and windy. Everyday I have to walk to my brother's school which is about 500 m away from mine. Then, we have to wait for another 40 minutes for my big brother. Luckily, I always put my iPod in the car every morning. I can just chill in the car by reading and listening to big time rush and the others or just sleep. Easy thing.. hehe 

Well, so far, school is nyehhh okay. Nothing bad happened yet. So, I'll take that as a good thing... hmm...
Hehe, Siti finally said it.. Sterling Knight is cute... ^_^

Btw, the new background song is Cover Girl by Big Time Rush. It's cute isn't it? Ok, Goody Goody..

Selena Gomez - Best of 2011

Joe Brooks - Superman
Ok, Good Night,
