Friday, April 6, 2012

Beyond The Expectation...


"Believe In The Unexpected...And You'll Achieve More"

So, last week my week went real fine just a bit exhausting from gymnastrada practices. Until 29th of March.. Well, let's go a day back from that very date. It's the night of 28th March. Carlos tweeted about his wish of meeting Carly Rae Jepsen..

So, few hours after that I randomly tweeted this... Wasn't expecting anything to happen but adding the chance of Carlos meeting Carly...

I wasn't even sure if I used the right username for her twitter... Frankly, I didn't even followed her.. *I thought I did* So, I went to bed that night and woke up at 4.30am as usual... Then I saw a notification from echofon saying "@carlyraejepsen followed you" I wasn't really convinced with that because her username is quite long and I thought it might be some belieber with similar username as hers followed me... So, I went on my twitter to check it... *Still in my bed* And I found this....... 

I almost fell from my bed... Luckily I didn't screamed in the middle of dawn. It was so overwhelming... Very very very surreal... I mean... She followed me when I'm not even following her... *Followed her now.. No worries* I love her song 'Call Me Maybe' and of course the video that Carlos made using her song... 

I don't know about this but it seems like I'm always lucky on twitter when I didn't expect that thing to happen.. I mean getting a retweet by Big Time Rush and a follow from Carly Rae Jepsen? I never thought it would happen when I tweeted those tweets... So, guys... Never stop believing in the unexpected... Miracles might happen... :) 

Goodies time... 

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen

Lose My Mind - The Wanted

Okay Guys.. Have a great weekend... 


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