Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Experiences...


Having A Dream Is Just The Beginning.
                                So Far, So Great - Demi Lovato
 Since it's the last day of  2011 or maybe the first day of  2012 in some places, I think I can conclude that I learned a lot of things this year. I experienced a lot of things. In 2011, I traveled to overseas a lot. I've been to Qatar,
Saudi Arabia,
Sri Lanka,
and Indonesia,

I went to an international school and met a lot of awesome people like my kakak, Sharmine,
my adik, Deirdra,
Aiman, Khairul, Saif and a lot more...
I also learned that in life, sometimes we'll experience something that we never expected or something that we don't even want to happen. I learned about friendship and real life. People can change in a blink. People can bond in just a sec. From strangers to sisters. Life is a miracle, a great miracle. It's our own fairytale. For me, there's a lot of hellos and definitely a lot of goodbyes in 2011. I went to Qatar for almost a year. It's a short time. So you can imagine how many goodbyes I had to experience. Laughter, Smiles, Tears are normal. If it's not then, you're probably a robot. Well, nobody can see the future, so we just need to accept the fate. As we get older and older, I can tell that we gonna face tons of goodbyes. I know goodbyes ain't easy but we'll handle it someday... 

2012 is coming... My goals are to never miss any solat time, study hard and do my best in any test/exam, be  good girl and meet Sterling Knight... hehe just kidding...
Credit to @StemiFlu
So, goodies time! 

What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction

Worldwide - Big Time Rush

That's all folk... Happy New Year.. Hope you guys will have a good one.. 


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